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Safe Deposit Box


A dual lock deposit box used to store personal valuables and important documentation to protect them from fire, theft, and loss.

Best For:

Individuals who have family heirlooms, jewelry, or personal and financial documents they wish to safeguard. Investment clients may store stocks, bonds, securities, and certificates; mortgage loan customers may store titles, deeds, and leases.


  • Safety: Opening the safe deposit box requires both the customer's and the bank's key. This bank does not have duplicate keys.
  • Sizes and Prices: A Client Advisor at a particular office will have a listing of the sizes and prices available at their location.
  • Privacy: A private booth (coupon booth) is available for viewing, adding, or removing items.
  • Fee: An annual fee is charged to our customers. A yearly billing statement can be sent or the fee can be debited from a Resource Bank account.


  • Security: Personal items and documents are protected in Resource's fire resistant vault, which is also secured by an alarm system.
  • Convenience: All of the customer's important papers and documents are stored in one safe location.
  • Affordable: The fee is low for the security provided.